6:30 to 10:30p.m., Senior Center
Directions to Senior center: It is in the Raintree Shopping
center near interaction of Drake and Shield. Go one block
north on Shields and then west one block on Raintree
(Research Blvd).
click here
Full dinner will be catered by Tajmahal. Appetizers and chai
are included.It will be accompanied by classical, folk and
popular performances on the stage and possibly dandia on the floor.
Kushangi Parikh and Rohit Bhatia are coordinating the organization
and the dinner. Lena Sunthankar, Cultural Secretary, is
coordinating the performances.
We are very happy to see that so many of us will be joining us
at the Diwali function. The function is now full* thanks to all of
This is a very special function. Volunteers are working hard to
make this a memorable evening. We ask for your help in running
this smoothly. Please remember that we will have some guests
who are lovers of India and Indian culture. Formal/festive
dress would be appropriate.
- The hall opens at exactly 6:30 PM. We suggest you arrive
around 6:15. Bring your receipt. You will be seated by ushers.
We are charged for every single hour, we must use time
- During performances silence is requested. Later when
the musical performances overlap with dinner, speak very
softly, if you have to.
- People at each table will be invited in turn to join the buffet
queue. Children (and those assisting them) and seniors will
be called first.
Volunteers Invited:
We will need volunteers to help with
- seating
- photography
- food serving
- clean-up/clearing
- calligraphy in an Indian language
- typesetting/layout of program
- etc.
Please let us know if you can assist for say, half an hour or so.
*: We regret that no more tickets are available and
we will not be able to take walk ins.
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