6:00 to 9:30p.m., Senior Center
Diwali poster.
Directions to Senior center: It is in the Raintree Shopping
center near interaction of Drake and Shield. Go one block
north on Shields and then west one block on Raintree
(Research Blvd).
click here
Full dinner will be catered by Tajmahal. Appetizers and chai
are included.It will be accompanied by classical, folk and
popular performances.
We regret that no more tickets are now available, the function
is full.
The tickets are available from
Yashwant Malaiya 223-7878
Mandar Sunthankar 223-1528
Kaushik Ramasubramiam 225-9910
Ravi Narayanan 206-4965
Sudhir Patel 226-0473
For IANC members, the tickets will be available starting Oct 8.
The early discount prices is available only until Oct. 19:
adults: $8, kids 6-12 $4
After Oct. 19, the prices are
adults: $9, kids 6-12 $4.50
You can include membership fee in the same check, if not already
Kids 0-5 are free, but need to be counted.
We invite non-members also to join us for this occasion. The
non-member tickets will be available from Oct. 15. The prices
adult: $15, kids $7.50
family (2 or more): adults $14, kids $7.
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