![]() India Association of Northern Colorado |
ARTICLE 1: Name The name of the association shall be India Association of Northern Colorado (IANC) Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "association".) ARTICLE 2: Office The office site shall as determined time-to-time by the Board of Officers. ARTICLE 3: Purpose The purpose of the association is to organize educational, cheritable, religious and literary activites for promoting awareness of Indian culture and traditions. The association is organized exclusively for, and will be operated exclusively for these purposes, in accordance with the requirements of § 501(c)(3). ARTICLE 4: Structure of the Association The association shall consist of a Board of Officers, Ordinary Members, Affiliate Members and and may additionally consist of honorary members. The Board of Officers (hereinafter referred to as the "Board") shall consist of at least four individuals from the ordinary or affiliate Membership and shall include the President, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Coordinators of the Committees as may be designated by the Board from time to time. The President and Secretary offices may not be held by the same person. ARTICLE 5: Requirements and Types of Membership Ordinary membership is open to those individuals who support and agree with the goals and objectives of the Association, and pay the membership dues as decided by the Board. Dependent members of the family or household of a Member are affiliate members if they are younger than 18 years. Members of the India Student Association at Colorado State University are granted affiliate membership without cost. ARTICLE 6: Meeting of the Members The General Body meetings open to all members, shall be scheduled as decided by the Board. There shall be at least one General meeting in a year. For a General Body meeting, twenty percent of the voting membership shall constitute a quorum. The quorum shall not be insisted upon unless the objectives, purpose or policy of the Association is involved. ARTICLE 7: Board of Officers The Board shall manage and direct the affairs of the association. The Board may increase or decrease the number of Oficers from time to time. In no event may the number of the Board members be decreased to fewer than 4. The Board shall hold meetings as needed, not less than once each 4 months. Half of the Directors on the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board. The quorum shall not be insisted upon unless the objectives, purpose or policy of the Association is involved. ARTICLE 8: Selection and Election of Officers The President, Vice President, Secretary and the Treasurer shall be elected by the ordinary members once a year. Other officers shall be appointed as decided by the Board. If the vice-president, secretary or the treasurer are unable to serve due to unforeseen circumstances, the rest of the board may appoint a replacement. ARTICLE 9: Funds The board shall designate the custodians of money and property belonging to the Association. The money may be deposited in a bank for safe keeping. In the event of an impending dissolution, a General Body meeting shall be called to decide the disbursement of assets. The residual assets of the Association shall be turned over to one or more organizations that are themselves non-profit for exclusive public purposes and have similar objectives. ARTICLE 10: Ratification A majority of Board Members at a Board Meeting shall vote to ratify these by-laws. ARTICLE 11: Amendments to the By-laws Amendments to the By-laws may be made by a simple majority of in a General Body meeting. Notes: April 5, 1998: First meeting of the India Association at
Sunthankar's Residence. Some members of the Board elected
unanimusly. June 7, 1998: Constitution Ratified by the Board. Back to Main page |